
ass Kickin Potatoes:
Here's a recipe for the delicious potatoes I made yesterday.
It's really easy, all I used was red wine, oil and some herbs and a whole lot of garlic.
Mix it all up and reduce the wine a little, so the alocohol evaporates, and add a little water to increase the content. While youre doing this have the potatoes boiling, but don't cook them completely because when theyre ready, you want to add them to the sauce pan and finish cooking them with the sauce.
The quantities of everything is according to taste, but I used about a half cup of wine, half cup of water, eighth cup of oil, about ten cloves of garlic, and some dill and thyme. I also added a little salt. For the garlic, I just crushed and pealed it but didn't chop it, then you get a bunch of big cloves of garlic you can eat with it. And for the potatoes, I used those little red ones(I don't know what theyre called), chopped into big chunks.
Youre probably thinking I shoulda been a chef, well maybe youre not, but you will when you try my delicious ass kicking potatoes.
Afterthought: I just ate the left over potatoes, so I'll tell you, theyre good hot or cold.

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